A Letter From Buckingham Palace, July 23, 1998
The Royal Princess was very interested to learn of the work done by Azita Milanian for “Save the Children Fund” and was particularly moved to read of the rescue of the baby..(Click here to download entire letter)

Peg Blackburn
"...thank you for supporting the work of Save the Children through your participation in the First Annual Salsa Workshop ... please accept my deep appreciation for the time, talent, treasure and energy you gave ... Together with your friends and colleagues, you raised over $4,000 for needy children in our Central and South American programs. Some of these funds will help us continue to rebuild homes and refurbish schools that were ravaged by Hurricane Mitch ... This event was a great accomplishment by a group of special people like you ... we thank you again for your generosity." - 2000
Peg Blackburn
Save the Children
"On behalf of the needy families and children we serve, please accept my thanks for coordinating yet another successful fundraising event. Your consistent, perennial events have indeed made a difference in the lives of many needy children. ... As you know, we are always impressed and energized by the caring and outreach of individuals like you." - 1999
Save the Children
"The event you successfully accomplished.. raised funds for the programs of Save the Children, specifically our Children of War Project ... On behalf of those children -- and especially the children who are victims of war, conflict, and civil strife (including the ravages of landmines) for whom we designated the funds you raised, we are grateful that you chose to share your time, talent and commitment to making the evening such a success ... Thank you again for supporting Save the Children." - 1998
Save the Children
"On behalf of the children and families Save the Children serves, please accept my profound thanks for supporting an event on June 5, at Stepping Out/TOSCA, which raised funds for our humanitarian assistance work in Rwanda. The children of the beleaguered area have special needs -- from food and medical assistance to locating their families. Save the Children continues to help them, and we will remain in the area with strong efforts to help families build new live in new locations or return to their original villages. It is a complex and tragic situation, but your interest and caring will truly help us make positive changes for those people. ... Thank you again ... we are always encouraged and energized when people like you reach out to those who need help. Your confidence in our work is inspiring, and we are grateful." - 1997
Save the Children